Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ear Wax Candles

The phenomenon of ear wax candles is beyond understanding. Whoever thought up the initial idea of sticking a foot long roll of wax in your ear then light on fire all so you could clean the wax out of your ears amazes me.

But as strange as that sounds, thousands have tried it, many have praised its abilities, and many have criticized the ear wax removal's claims. Needless to say ear wax candles do make for an interesting experience.

To begin, ear wax candles have a bizarre origin. It's said that they may have come from the ancient Chinese. Some companies have claimed that the Hopi Indians started the tradition. However, some Hopi Indians turned down that claim, saying it was completely made up.

So what are we to believe when it comes to the origin of ear wax candles?

Regardless of the origin, they have developed a following of users when it comes to ear wax removal.

I took it upon myself to challenge the ear wax candle method myself.

I followed the how to use ear wax candles instructions on this site.

The set up was fairly easy. I just had to get a lighter, a wet towel, and a plate. Then my wife helped as she held the ear candle, lit it, and kept the ashes from falling on my face. She did that by knocking them off onto the plate ever couple of inches it burned.

During the procedure I could feel funny tickling from the ear wax removal. The noise was also interesting, kind of like the waves from an ocean. After the candle burned down to the last couple of inches, the candle was removed and we then proceeded to cut the ear wax candles so that we could see all the ear wax removal it picked up.

The results were both disgusting and beautiful. Did I hear any better? Barely. Was the wax in the ear wax candles disgusting? Definitely. The experience was more fun than it was rewarding for my hearing.

I went to the doctor a few weeks later and actually got the wax cleaned out. Way awesome results from that.